Diverse Business Show Blog Talk Radio

Monday, October 11, 2010

Making Dreams Reality for Minority Businesses

I think one of the most amazing things that we can accomplish in life is to see a vision then a plan become a reality. Whether you are an artist, a builder of houses or businesses, successful completion of the task requires a vision.

Where do these visions come from? I think the answer to this is from somewhere deep within our life experiences.

For the MBE, it may have been the experience of watching a family member struggle and perhaps succeed in their own businesses.

For a corporate representative it could just as easily come from childhood experiences as from academic training. I wonder if you were to close your eyes for 30 seconds, breathe deeply and ask yourself what is my vision now: What would you see?

Dr. Fred McKinney is the President of the Greater New England Minority Supplier Development Council (GNEMSDC)

Minority business development — Why now more than ever (see http://www.diversebusinessoppty.posterous.com)

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